The Last Saudeleur

The last Saudeleur was a very mean and cruel man. He was so mean that no one was  allowed to even do certain things without him knowing. He demanded more from the people. The people tried their best to please this cruel man but couldn't find a way. This cruel man set limit to everything. His wives were his precious gifts and no one was allowed to talk to any of them because he had many  women.He was a jealous man and would let no one near them even the gods themselves.
One day, Luhk Nahnsapwe, god of thunder came to visit and happen to met one of his wives while the wife was fetching drinking water for Saudeleur at a small spring called Sapwtakai on the island of Temwen. The god was intimate with the wife, and they hang out together and had some fun. While having fun, they broke the coconut shell used to filled Saudeleur's drinking water. When the wife reached Nan Madol and Saudeleur learned about his broken container, he requested that his messenger fetched the god. He ordered the god to be tied on the reef to die. A man came and freed Luhk and had a sea bass, a sacred animal to take him safely to Katau which is now the state of Kosrae, the Sleeping Lady.
There Luhk recovered, violated the taboo against incest, and had a son with his clanswoman. Still in the mother's womb, the child heard about the incident Saudeleur did to his father. On the day that he was born, as soon as he was out of his mother's womb, he stood up and run. They called him Isokelekel. When he grown into a man, he chose 333 men to go with him to Pohnpei. He is planning to revenge what Saudeleur did to his father. They arrived in the east of the island and came to Nan Madol. They built shelter on one of the islets of Nan Madol adjacent to the one Saudeleur and his warriors were residing. One day two warriors one of Isokelekel's and one of Saudeleur's got into a fight. This started the war. They fought and fought and one of Isokelekel's man told his warriors that who ever retreat will be killed by him. This made them strong and they chased Saudeleur and his warriors away from Nan Madol. Some said that Saudeleur turned into a fish and still live in a river till this day. No one knows if this is true. I will stop here because no one should finish a story about the past or else............something bad might happen to me. THE END


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